Culture & Creativity

A Creative Arts Contest

In commemoration of the 75th Anniversary of Confederation, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador invited all Kindergarten to Grade 12 students across the province to participate in a creative arts contest.

Students submitted original works that celebrated people, culture, traditions, perspectives, or any aspect of Confederation. Creations focused on one or more of the following themes:

Acknowledge the Past
Celebrate the Present 
Embrace the Future

Provincial Winners

Ella Etchegary
Grade 5, Goulds Elementary

Painting: Fishing
Image: IMG_5156 - Mary Hayden.jpg

Description: It describes a person fishing and in the backgound there are fishing stages.

Andrei Rodriguez
Gr. 8, Xavier Jr. High

Short Story: The Tides of Change 
File: Short Story ( Andrei Rodriguez) XJH Grade 8 Mrs. Pittman Baker - Petra Snook.pdf

Description: Story of John's thoughts of joining Confederation from a small fisihing village of Trinity Bay.

Yuliia Kadina (2-way tie)
Grade 11, Gonzaga

Short Story: Heart of Canada

Description: This project is a short story that has Canada and Newfoundland and Labrador reflecting on the province joining Canada in 1949.

Clare Sutton (2-way tie)
Grade 11, Holy Heart of Mary

Painting: Newfoundland Dog
Image: 20241118_151402 - Meleny Yetman-Holloway.jpg

Description: This painting is centered around a Newfoundland dog, which is used to represent the visibility and solidity of the present. Coming from the dog's eyes are two different scenes, the one on the bottom left, painted using a mixture of black and blue, is a depiction of old Newfoundland based on A. Thompsons “St. John’s. n.d.”, which is used to represent and acknowledge the past of Newfoundland itself. The scene coming from the top right, painted using green and gold, is used to represent the future; the building in green showing how the roots of Newfoundland’s past will still have an affect in the future, and the gold showing how the future is uncertain but, as shown by the warm color, is something to be embraced. Overall, the piece is meant to represent and acknowledge Newfoundland’s past, its present, and the unknown future that is to come.


School-Based Winners:

Jaxon Fitzgerald
Grade 6, Xavier Jr. High

Poster: Poster (Jaxon Fitzgerald) XJH Grade 6 Ms. Ropson - Petra Snook.pdf

Description: Celebrating the Past Via a Poster divided in four

Lily Brown
Grade 8, James Cook Memorial

Illustration: Laying the Poppies
Image: L Brown NL 75 - Jessica Simms.PDF

Description: Commemoration of Newfoundland's role during the First World War, and how it is still important to remember the Royal Newfoundland Regiment even after Confederation with Canada (i.e. the significance of July 1).

Carly Everson
Grade 11, Holy Trinity High

Poem: Echoes of the Rock
File: Echos of the Rock - Janine Sheppard

Description: The poem highlights Newfoundland and Labrador's journey through the past, our present struggles and joys, and hopes for the future. Specifically, Carly explores the struggles that came with the past settlement of our province, our current culture of a caring people and our ability to stay strong as we look to our future.